to Her: It was a long time ago.

Forgive me Mother, for being a stubborn daughter.

Dear Mom,

You never told me to write you a letter, because we've never been separated. I see you everyday, you see me everyday but why do I feel like we're not living together? Why do I feel like I need to write you a letter to tell you thing I can tell you right now, face to face? I don't know mom, and that doesn't mean I don't love you. Because I do. I always do. Even when you think I don't. There's something between you and me that's so hard to speak with words. Sometimes I can talk with you about everything, I can even share with you some of my thoughts. But of course, there's also time when I can't look into your eyes and answer just a simple question from you. Yes, there's time I don't want to or just simply cannot talk to you about weather. And that never means I don't love you. You and me we are too different. We're like water and fire. If one exist, the other one must die. But here we're, still being together, and we are even happy. Just like this very moment. I really love your smile. And please trust me when I say I never want to hurt you, no matter what I do and maybe my behaviors kill your soul a little bit. 

But I do love you.