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Unusual words [G;S].

- gamophobia: fear of marriage
- gastropod: mollusks including snails; slugs; whelks
- gatefold: oversized page in a book
- gaumless: stupid; witless; vacant
- gelid: extremely cold
- gelogenic: tending to produce laughter
- gemel: twinned; occurring in pairs
- genethlialogy: the art of casting horoscopes
- goliard: wandering student
- goluptious: delightful; luscious
- gratis: without charge; for free
- graphomania: obsession with writing
- graphophobia: fear of writing
- sadogue: fat; easy-going person
- saffron: orange-yellow
- semestral: half-yearly
- semper: always
- senescent: growing old
- senicide: killing of old man
- senocular: having six eyes
- shend: to destroy; to ruin; to disgrace; to corrupt
- significs: science of meaning
- sitophobia: fear of food or eating
- smalt: deel blue
- solivagant: wandering alone
- solus: alone
- somatasthenia: weakness of the body
- somewither: to some place; somewhere
- somnolescent: half-asleep
- sooth: truth; reality; in truth
- sparsim: here and there
- spectrology: study of ghosts
- spirate: voiceless
- spiration: act of breathing
- stelliferous: having many stars
- subboreal: very cold
- subrident: smiling
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